Gone App: Building the Largest Local Recommerce Supply Chain in the USA

“Americans spend 1.2 trillon annually on nonessential goods
in other words, items they do not need.”
-The Wall Street Journal

In today’s world, where sustainability and economic efficiency are top of mind, people are constantly looking for ways to declutter their homes and extract value from unused items. Enter the Gone app, a revolutionary platform that is transforming how Americans sell and repurpose their household items. Gone is not just another marketplace; it’s an end-to-end solution aiming to build the largest local recommerce supply chain in the United States. By removing friction at every step of the process, Gone offers consumers a simple, seamless experience to “get stuff gone” while offering businesses an opportunity to earn money through resale.

What is the Gone App ?

The Gone app is a recommerce platform that helps users declutter their homes by selling unused or unwanted items. Recommerce, or reverse commerce, refers to the selling of pre-owned goods, and it’s a market that’s growing at an incredible pace. The Gone app simplifies the resale process by offering free pickups for items that have a positive ROI (return on investment). Once an item is picked up, Gone handles everything from listing to selling, ensuring a hassle-free experience for users. Businesses can also partner with Gone by providing them with items to resell, in exchange for 25% of the final sale price.

The Massive Opportunity Hidden in American Homes

Did you know that over half a trillion dollars worth of value is locked up in American homes today? From old electronics, furniture, and clothes to household goods, there’s a treasure trove of items just sitting idle. The challenge, however, is that most people don’t have the time or knowledge to effectively sell these items. That’s where the Gone app steps in, acting as a facilitator between consumers and the recommerce market. With just a text message, Gone makes it easy for people to get rid of their stuff and turn it into cash.

How the Gone App Works

Gone’s process is designed with simplicity in mind:

  1. Upload : Snap a picture of the items you want to sell and upload it to the Gone app with a short description to get started
  2. ROI Calculation: Gone evaluates whether the item has a positive return on investment (ROI). If it does, the next step is scheduled.
  3. Free Pickup: If the item meets the criteria, Gone schedules a free pickup.
  4. Curated Listing: Gone’s technology takes over, curating and listing the item in the most profitable way based on years of recommerce data.
  5. Payment: Once the item is sold, the user receives payment minus a small commission.

For business partners, the process is equally straightforward. Businesses bring their items to Gone, and in exchange for 25% of the sale price, Gone handles the entire selling process.

Gone’s Competitive Advantage: An End-to-End Solution

Gone is more than just a selling platform—it’s an end-to-end recommerce supply chain that handles everything from the initial pickup to the final sale. Here’s why that matters:

The Recommerce Market is Exploding

The recommerce market is growing four times faster than traditional retail, and it’s easy to see why. Consumers are becoming more eco-conscious, and there’s a rising demand for second-hand goods. Gone is tapping into this booming industry by building the infrastructure needed to streamline the resale of pre-owned items.

Why Local Density is Key to Gone’s Success

One of the key advantages of the Gone app is its focus on local density. The more local pickups Gone completes, the more efficient its operations become. As the platform expands, it can leverage its local partnerships and logistics network to reduce costs and increase profitability. This model creates a high-margin business that improves as the user base grows.

A Unique Approach to Supply and Demand

Gone is not just building a marketplace; it’s creating a recommerce ecosystem. By partnering with local players on both the supply and demand sides, Gone ensures that there’s always a steady stream of items to sell and buyers ready to purchase them. This approach allows Gone to scale its operations quickly while maintaining positive unit economics.

Technology-Powered Pricing and Curation

One of the key differentiators of the Gone app is its advanced technology, which has been developed over years of working with recommerce data. Gone’s algorithm can accurately curate, price, and list items in a way that maximizes their resale value. This level of precision ensures that both consumers and business partners get the best possible returns.

Promoting Sustainability with the Circular Economy

Gone is also making a big impact in the area of sustainability by promoting a circular economy. By facilitating the resale of reusable items, Gone helps reduce waste and encourages the responsible consumption of goods. This not only benefits the environment but also helps people feel good about decluttering their homes in a sustainable way.

Tested and Proven Market Demand

Before scaling its operations, Gone ran a wave 1 of its service to test market demand. The results were clear—there’s a huge appetite for a service that simplifies the resale process. More importantly, the test revealed that Gone’s unit economics are always positive, meaning that the business model is not only scalable but also highly profitable.

Building the Largest Local Recommerce Supply Chain in the USA

Gone’s ambition to build the largest local recommerce supply chain in the USA is well within reach. With its proven business model, growing user base, and innovative technology, Gone is poised to revolutionize how Americans sell and repurpose their items. By focusing on local partnerships, optimizing logistics, and providing a seamless experience for users, Gone is unlocking a massive market that has been largely untapped—until now.

The Future of Recommerce: Why Gone is Leading the Way

Gone isn’t just another player in the recommerce space; it’s leading the charge by addressing key challenges that have historically hindered the resale market. From its user-friendly app to its focus on local density and sustainability, Gone is setting new standards for how recommerce can work on a large scale. With the recommerce market growing at breakneck speed, Gone is positioned to capitalize on this growth and cement its place as the go-to platform for selling and repurposing items in the USA.


In a world where decluttering is as much about sustainability as it is about convenience, the Gone app offers a timely solution. By building the largest local recommerce supply chain in the USA, Gone is revolutionizing how Americans unlock value from their homes. Whether you’re a consumer looking to sell unused items or a business seeking to capitalize on the growing recommerce market, Gone offers a simple, efficient, and profitable solution. The future of recommerce is here—and Gone is leading the way.


1. How does the Gone app work?
Gone makes it simple to sell your unused items. You send a text with details, they calculate the ROI, and if positive, schedule a free pickup. Gone then handles listing and selling the items.

2. What items can I sell through the Gone app?
You can sell a wide variety of items, including electronics, furniture, household goods, and more, as long as they have a positive ROI.

3. How much does Gone charge?
For consumers, Gone takes a small commission on the final sale. For businesses, the fee is 25% of the sale price.

4. What makes Gone different from other resale platforms?
Gone offers an end-to-end solution, handling everything from pickup to sale. Its technology also optimizes pricing and listings to maximize profits.

5. How does Gone promote sustainability?
Gone supports a circular economy by reselling reusable items, reducing waste, and promoting responsible consumption.

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